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Products for
In-Vitro Testing​

After extensive research and development, we are pleased to introduce our novel DISCOVERY LANE products for in vitro testing, especially for screening drugs and mode of action studies of compounds/actives/molecules.

Product Code Product Name Variations Cell types/Tissues
CB-Epi-GM* Epithelial Cells Growth Medium SACF Human Epidermal Keratinocytes, Oral epithelial cells
CB-Fib-GM Fibroblast Growth Medium FBS, XF, SACF Dermal, Gingival, Placental
CB-DCM Defined Cryopreservation Medium SPACF Sensitive primary cell and cell lines
CB-MSC-GM Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium With FBS, XF Wharton jelly, Adipose, tooth pulp
CB-EC-GM Endothelial cell growth medium FBS, XF Large and small vessel
CB-MC-GM Melanocyte Growth Medium  FBS, XF Melanocytes  (All without Cholera toxin and PMA)
CB-EM-SKN Explant Culture Medium for Skin SACF, SF Fresh Human Skin
CB-SCM-3D-MC Spheroid Culture Medium for Mesenchymal cells SACF Mesenchymal cells/tumor cells
CB-TC-GM Tumor Cell Growth Medium SF Breast and prostate cancer
CB-EM-PLAC Explant Culture Medium for Placenta SACF Fresh human placenta
CB-DSC-GM Dermal Stem Cell Growth Medium XF Dermal Stem cells
CB-Epi-3DAL** 3D Epidermis Reconstruction Medium SACF Epidermal Keratinocytes
XF= Xeno-free; SPACF= Serum, Protein and Animal Component Free; SF= Serum-free; SACF= Serum and Animal Component Free; *Previous product code CB-TAK-GM; **Previous product code CB-TAK-3D
ProductsCatalog NumbersVariations
Explant Culture Medium for SkinCB-EM-SKN
Serum-free; Serum & Animal Component Free
Fibroblast mediumCB-DF-GMXeno-free; Serum-free
Transiently Amplifying Keratinocyte mediumCB-TAK-GM
Defined Cryo-preservation MediumCB-DCMDefined, Serum and Protein-free
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth MediumCB-MSC-GMXeno-free
Melanocyte Growth MediumCB-MC-GMXeno-free; Serum-free
(both without Cholera toxin and PMA)
Endothelial Cell Growth MediumCB-EC-GMXeno-free; Serum-free
(For large vessel endothelial cells)
Spheroid Culture Medium for Mesenchymal cellsCB-SCM-3D-MC
Explant Culture Medium for PlacentaCB-EM-PLACSerum-free
Epithelial Cell Growth Medium for Oral KeratinocytesCB-Epi-GM-OK
Cell Line Adaptation KitCB-CLAKOnly for service Purpose (Serum & Animal component Free)


Note: There are several cell types for example fibroblasts, melanocytes, etc., that demand at least some small fraction of serum without which they cannot be initiated for cell growth. In this case, we grow the cells under Xeno-free conditions. We continue our efforts to be in line with the 3R motto motto: Reduce, Refine, Replace and develop new solutions for each cell type. Always we aim to develop the products for our clients projects in the most natural way, thereby mimicking all the mechanisms and physiological conditions as close as possible to the in vivo, but without the need of serum or unphysiological chemicals or inducers.



1. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 8;9(9):e101480.
2. Int J Mol Med. 2016 Oct; 38(4): 1063–1074.