About Us
Curio Biotech SA was founded in
January 2017 in Wallis, Switzerland. We are a small
international team with strong ties to Switzerland.
About Us
Curio Biotech SA was founded in
January 2017 in Wallis, Switzerland. We are a small
international team with strong ties to Switzerland.

Vision & Mission
We want to be your first choice in providing in-vitro testing services. We strive to provide highest standards with regard to innovation and quality.
We believe in sound science and reproducible experiments. For this reason, we try very hard to keep abreast of the latest scientific developments in order to enhance the knowledge and options for decision-making by our customers.
Through our internal R&D program, we continuously improve the current methodologies and develop new approaches to meet our customers’ needs.
We believe in true synergies.
We are always looking for partnerships or collaborative approaches with industry or academic research centers
for developing an innovative product for services in the life sciences sector of Pharma and diagnostic industries.
We are open minded and welcome opportunities in a win-win situation that can benefit mutually and grow together.

Prof. Christiane Albrecht
Molecular Medicine University of
Bern, Switzerland

Funded Projects (as a co-applicant): Engineering a novel cell-based model for assessing materno-fetal drug transfer during pregnancy